How close you can be to achieving Customer Satisfaction?

❖ Organisation Response towards Customers in need or moment of truth.

❖ Defining business from Customer perspective.

❖ Understanding Customer needs and wants.

❖ Closed loop review mechanism.

In Automobile Dealerships the biggest dynamic challenge today is Customer Satisfaction, which can be defined as the “Organisation’s quick & appropriate response towards a Customer in need” or we can say the moment of truth. Why dynamic? We can be sure that Customer’s demands are evolving and we can be very sure that what we do today to satisfy Customers’ needs or when in need, may not stand 100% for tomorrow, so we are into attaining the satisfaction of our Customers that is evolving.

Our way of defining business is moving from the outside towards the inside of the core of the business and this can be understood by allowing our customers to define what the organization should deliver at every stage of their defined processes hence Organization becomes Customer-centric when all acts including process, policy, product are designed through Customer’s point of view.

To achieve the highest level of Customer Satisfaction a robust review mechanism is required for analyzing & understanding Customer needs through their verbatimsfrom various stages of feedback like instant feedback given at the end of the day during a Customer’s visit, post-service feedback, Customer satisfaction survey, or a Customer concern. Through this, a complete closed-loop review mechanism for consistent scores and most important making the entire team Customer-centricthrough a ‘Customer First’ approach and adhering to the process of review, analyze& implementation as a continuous process. 

Conclusion: It is important to understand our Customers and then we can be sure of his needs and wants. It becomes crucial to take a note of every feedback of Customer seriously to improve, change, elevate and refine our processes to satisfy him.

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