To work upon people and processes of Automotive Business to deliver Best in Class Customer Experience, sustaining revenues towards building a profitable Organisation.

Key Offerings

Evaluating the basic functioning of various processes related to Customers & business e.g. Service Initiation.
Evaluate the overall performance of the dealer team by analyzing key performance indicators (KPIs) such as sales targets, customer satisfaction scores, service quality metrics, etc.
Identify areas where the team is excelling and areas that require improvement.

Data review of new car revenue, parts revenue, accessories revenue, labour revenue & allied revenue.
Analyzing discounts, OEM Incentives, Manpower, F&I Incomer cost, Interest cost, Overheads & Rentals.

Challenges may include low sales volumes, inadequate product knowledge, ineffective customer communication, slow response times, lack of process efficiency, etc.
Prioritize the challenges based on their impact on overall dealership performance and customer satisfaction.
Analyze the data collected from the assessment and stakeholder engagement to identify common challenges faced by the dealer team.

Meet with various stakeholders, including dealership management, sales and service teams, customers, and manufacturer representatives.
Conduct interviews, surveys, and focus groups to gather feedback and understand the perspectives of different stakeholders.
Evaluate the skills and knowledge required for the dealer team to overcome the identified challenges.
Compare the existing skill set of the team members with the desired competencies.
Identify training gaps and areas where additional training or development is needed.
Consider both technical skills (product knowledge, sales techniques, service procedures, etc.) and soft skills (customer service, communication, problem-solving, etc.).

Competitive Analysis: Evaluate Dealer’s position in comparison with competitors. Identifying your unique value proposition, strengths, weaknesses, and market differentiators. Assess monthly trends for sales & service, customer preferences, and competitive strategies to identify growth opportunities.

The business report would comprehensively analyze the current state of Your Company and propose solutions for improving performance and achieving growth objectives. The report focuses on key areas such as revenue generation, operational efficiency, customer satisfaction, and market positioning. Based on the analysis, growth and revenue long-term objectives are defined, and the process performance review being an ongoing practice to drive continuous improvement and sustainable growth is adviced.

Evaluating the basic functioning of various processes related to Customers & business e.g. Service Initiation.
Evaluate the overall performance of the dealer team by analyzing key performance indicators (KPIs) such as sales targets, customer satisfaction scores, service quality metrics, etc.
Identify areas where the team is excelling and areas that require improvement.

Data review of new car revenue, parts revenue, accessories revenue, labour revenue & allied revenue.
Analyzing discounts, OEM Incentives, Manpower, F&I Incomer cost, Interest cost, Overheads & Rentals.

Challenges may include low sales volumes, inadequate product knowledge, ineffective customer communication, slow response times, lack of process efficiency, etc.
Prioritize the challenges based on their impact on overall dealership performance and customer satisfaction.
Analyze the data collected from the assessment and stakeholder engagement to identify common challenges faced by the dealer team.

Meet with various stakeholders, including dealership management, sales and service teams, customers, and manufacturer representatives.
Conduct interviews, surveys, and focus groups to gather feedback and understand the perspectives of different stakeholders.
Evaluate the skills and knowledge required for the dealer team to overcome the identified challenges.
Compare the existing skill set of the team members with the desired competencies.
Identify training gaps and areas where additional training or development is needed.
Consider both technical skills (product knowledge, sales techniques, service procedures, etc.) and soft skills (customer service, communication, problem-solving, etc.).Conduct interviews, surveys, and focus groups to gather feedback and understand the perspectives of different stakeholders.
Evaluate the skills and knowledge required for the dealer team to overcome the identified challenges.
Compare the existing skill set of the team members with the desired competencies.
Identify training gaps and areas where additional training or development is needed.
Consider both technical skills (product knowledge, sales techniques, service procedures, etc.) and soft skills (customer service, communication, problem-solving, etc.).

Competitive Analysis: Evaluate Dealer’s position in comparison with competitors. Identifying your unique value proposition, strengths, weaknesses, and market differentiators. Assess monthly trends for sales & service, customer preferences, and competitive strategies to identify growth opportunities.

The program will focus on equipping participants with tools and strategies to optimize revenue generation, improve operational efficiency, and enhance overall business performance.
Developing individual action plans based on the training insights, Setting specific goals and timelines for implementing learned strategies, Monitoring progress and evaluating outcomes and Creating accountability mechanisms for ongoing performance management.

The business report would comprehensively analyze the current state of Your Company and propose solutions for improving performance and achieving growth objectives. The report focuses on key areas such as revenue generation, operational efficiency, customer satisfaction, and market positioning. Based on the analysis, growth and revenue long-term objectives are defined, and the process performance review being an ongoing practice to drive continuous improvement and sustainable growth is adviced.

Performance monitoring. Sharing performance data, progress, and insights with relevant stakeholders, including team members & managers. Providing constructive feedback on team performance, recognizing successes, and identifying areas for improvement.

Evaluating the basic functioning of various processes related to Customers & business e.g. Service Initiation.
Evaluate the overall performance of the dealer team by analyzing key performance indicators (KPIs) such as sales targets, customer satisfaction scores, service quality metrics, etc.
Data review of new car revenue, parts revenue, accessories revenue, labour revenue & allied revenue.
Evaluating Customer-First Mindset to foster a culture that prioritizes customer satisfaction.
Analyzing discounts, OEM Incentives, Manpower, F&I Incomer cost, Interest cost, Overheads & Rentals.
Identify areas where the team is excelling and areas that require improvement.

Challenges may include low sales volumes, inadequate product knowledge, ineffective customer communication, slow response times, lack of process efficiency, etc.
Prioritize the challenges based on their impact on overall dealership performance and customer satisfaction.
Analyze the data collected from the assessment and stakeholder engagement to identify common challenges faced by the dealer team.

Meet with various stakeholders, including dealership management, sales and service teams, customers, and manufacturer representatives.
Conduct interviews, surveys, and focus groups to gather feedback and understand the perspectives of different stakeholders.
Evaluate the skills and knowledge required for the dealer team to overcome the identified challenges.
Compare the existing skill set of the team members with the desired competencies.
Identify training gaps and areas where additional training or development is needed.
Consider both technical skills (product knowledge, sales techniques, service procedures, etc.) and soft skills (customer service, communication, problem-solving, etc.).Prioritize the challenges based on their impact on overall dealership performance and customer satisfaction.
Analyze the data collected from the assessment and stakeholder engagement to identify common challenges faced by the dealer team.

Competitive Analysis: Evaluate Dealer’s CSI trends, customer concerns & customer-centricity, and performance position in comparison with competitors. Identifying unique value propositions, strengths, weaknesses, and market differentiators. Assess monthly trends for sales & service, customer preferences, and competitive strategies to identify growth opportunities.

The program will focus on equipping participants with tools and strategies to optimize revenue generation, improve operational efficiency, and enhance overall business performance.
Encourage employees at all levels to think from the customer’s perspective and consider how their actions impact the customer experience. Incorporate customer-centric values into your mission, vision, and core principles, and reinforce them through training and internal communications.
Developing individual action plans based on the training insights, Setting specific goals and timelines for implementing learned strategies, Monitoring progress and evaluating outcomes and Creating accountability mechanisms for ongoing performance management.

The business report would comprehensively analyze the current state of Your Company and propose solutions for improving performance and achieving growth objectives. The report focuses on key areas such as revenue generation, operational efficiency, customer satisfaction, and market positioning. Based on the analysis, growth and revenue long-term objectives are defined, and the process performance review being an ongoing practice to drive continuous improvement and sustainable growth is adviced.Developing individual action plans based on the training insights, Setting specific goals and timelines for implementing learned strategies, Monitoring progress and evaluating outcomes and Creating accountability mechanisms for ongoing performance management.

Performance monitoring. Sharing performance data, progress, and insights with relevant stakeholders, including team members & managers. Providing constructive feedback on team performance, recognizing successes, and identifying areas for improvement.
Customer Centricity-Continuously strives for improvement based on customer insights and feedback. Implement a culture of continuous learning and innovation within the organization. Encourage employees to generate ideas for enhancing the customer experience, streamline processes, and identify opportunities for innovation.

Core Activity

Business evaluation of processes, productivity, spare inventory, Customer Satisfaction Index, identifying revenue opportunities within a given OEM framework for achieving long-term high performance and profits.

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