How do we move towards customer-centricity from being a product-centric or sales-oriented Organization?

❖ Developing a culture of Customer-first attitude in the organization.

❖ Enhancing Customer’s moment of truth or Customer in need.

❖ Managing expectations or exceeding expectations.

❖ Keeping Customers at a focal point of everything.

Organization becomes Customer-centric when all acts of processes, policies, and products are designed from the Customer’s point of view. It is the outlook of any small or big Organization to always keep the Customer at a focal point by understanding & embedding his, expectations, perceptions, and situations. This may seem to be idealistic, but in present times Customer’s requirements are evolving at a faster rate, what we believe today is an expectation may become a hygiene factor tomorrow and Customers may choose to step out before we comprehend.

It may be easy to understand Customer centricity, but the fact remains that it becomes difficult to drill down the mission of being a Customer-centric Organisation to the front-end employee who deals and reflects what we are as an Organisation in front of Customers. Are the recommended core values good enough for people in the Organisation to understand and implement? This remains a greater challenge for many Companies that vouch for being Customer-centric but struggle to deliver satisfying services, in such cases Customers remain with a brand till the time their product lasts or they change it.

An Organisation needs to have good trouble-free products, satisfying services, or aftersales support for a highly satisfied Customer base which becomes the first step towards building up the Brand.

No Organisation is capable of building up a strong brand till the time it has a large percentage of extremely Satisfied Customers. 

There are certain Moments of truth which are interactions or interfaces that sometimes cannot be noticed or defined through our point of view but from the Customer’s perspective it may be the ‘time of need’ wherein the deliverables should surpass expectations and when it does then it defines true satisfaction levels in Customer’s mind. The events can be momentary wherein we believe the need or want could be small or irrelevant but in the Customer’s perspective it could make a big difference

Conclusion: Develop a Customer-First Culture, be aware of moments of truth that will define the Customer journey with you, and believe in hygiene factors to be implemented 100%, define and build every step, process, system, and structure from the Customer’s view to become a customer-centric organization.

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